pp108 : Configuring WS-Apps Service Containers for Reliable Messaging

Configuring WS-Apps Service Containers for Reliable Messaging

This topic describes the procedure to configure databases which enable WS-Apps Service Containers to participate in reliable messaging.

An XA compliant driver is a driver that can participate in an XA compliant transaction as defined in the X/Open specification. The key advantage is that different resources from different vendors can participate in a single (distributed) transaction as many of the JDBC drivers from the major vendors are XA compliant. You can also search for a driver in the manufacturer's website.
Configure/Enable XA Transactions

  • To configure Microsoft SQL server 2005 JDBC driver, do the following:
    1. Download and install latest Microsoft SQL server 2005 JDBC driver from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/aa937724.aspx.
    2. Copy sqljdbc_xa.dll from the <JDBCDRIVERFOLDER> to the bin folder of SQL Server installation. This is applicable for all SQL servers.
    3. Register the DLL using xa_install.sql script. You need administrative privileges on SQL Server to register a DLL.
    4. Enable XA Transaction for MSDTC on the SQL server system and restart SQL server.
    5. Set sqljdbc.jar driver in the service container class path.
  • To configure Oracle OCI driver, do the following:
    1. Install Oracle client on Process Platform Server.
    2. Set ojbc14.jar in class path.
  • To enable XA transactions in the Oracle database (usually used with atomikos transaction manager), do the following:
    1. Start Oracle SQL command prompt.
    2. Connect with the credentials: sys as sysdba.
    3. Grant the following rights:
      1. Grant select on sys.dba_pending_transactions to <user name>;
      2. Grant select on sys.pending_trans$ to <user name>;
      3. Grant select on sys.dba_2pc_pending to <user name>;
      4. Grant execute on sys.dbms_system to <user name>;

        Note: <user name> refers to the credentials of the Cordys user who connected to the database (as specified in the Process Platform Database configuration).

Configure MSDTC

  • To configure Microsoft SQL Server, do the following:
  1. Ensure to install and configure MSDTC and MSMQ in the same machine where Process Platform is installed.
  2. Start MSDTC service.
  3. If the Process Platform server is a Windows XP, follow the procedure recommended by http://support.microsoft.com/kb/839279.
  • To configure Oracle for MSDTC, do the following:
  1. Ensure to install and configure MSDTC and MSMQ in the same machine where Process Platform is installed.
  2. Ensure the value of DistribTX is 1 in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\<<KEY_OraClient10g_home1>>\OLEDB registry.
  3. Install and start Oracle services for MTS. Go to services.msc and check the OracleMTSRecoveryService.

Related tasks

Configuring MSMQ and MSDTC for Distributed Transaction